Current work.

Arcadis Germany - Solution Leader of Optimised Asset Portfolios and Intelligent Buildings

Jul. 2023 - Present.

Technology is driving change throughout the real estate industry. Everything from how landlords collect energy data, through to how tenants get access to their spaces and book desks is being disrupted through new innovations in digital technology.

This, combined with a market context of climate change, new ESG-related regulations, and much tougher market competition, has created a complex mix of new challenges for asset owners.

Understanding how to react to these challenges is key to creating effective asset management strategies which not only position asset portfolios for the future, but also drive increases in value and reduce operating costs.

I lead an expert team of strategists and technologists to act as a trusted advisor to our clients, helping them navigate through the current real estate landscape by building and implementing strategic projects that help asset owners to:
- Develop a clear understanding of their standing in the market
- Identify key priorities for asset investment and repositioning
- Understand the impact and opportunities of sustainability and decarbonisation goals and regulation
- Selecting market partners and vendors to procure critical technologies and services
- Implement change programs that achieve ESG and revenue-related business objectives

As Arcadis, we are able to deliver not just globally, but at scale, and have strong and demonstrable experience helping our global clients implement critical and complex programmes of change.

Mar. 2022 - Jul. 2023: Principal Consultant

Arcadis has and is continuing to develop an innovative, dynamic, and high-performing Smart Buildings practice to tackle a growing market need in the UK. Based out of the new 80 Fenchurch Street office, I worked as a consultant to support the delivery of projects for clients who are looking for everything from defining a high-level strategy relating to the use of technology in buildings, to detailed technology implementation and procurement of smart tech.


I lead the Intelligent Buildings Practice for Arcadis Germany. I help our team perform at their best, and ensure we’re delivering top-quality work on every single project we have the opportunity to work on.


I lead the delivery and definition of high-value strategy consultancy for Arcadis’s clients. As part of this, I help clients to better understand their own needs and how digital technology can act as an enabler for the client in achieving their vision and goals.


Over my consultancy career, I have developed experience in working in the procurement of digital technologies for use within the built environment. As part of this, I lead the creation of procurement documents, the running of tender processes and the analysis of vendors against clear selection criteria.


The Arcadis team is immensely capable at delivering real-world impact for clients today. The capability to support the implementation of technology into buildings is a key differentiator for the team and I lead this work by applying the knowledge and industry expertise I have garnered throughout my career in intelligent buildings buildings.

MRes + MPhil - University of Cambridge

2020 - Present

I’m currently undertaking a MRes + PhD at the University of Cambridge as part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Resilience in a Changing World (FIBE2). My project is in partnership with Bentley Systems and is called ‘Designing Energy Flexible Build Environments using Digital Twins’.

The transition back into academia offers me a new opportunity to explore ideas relating to the use of technology within the built environment, while also applying the knowledge developed from my time in industry. The FIBE2 CDT programme as a whole has been designed specifically to have a strong component of collaboration with industry, this differentiating FIBE2 from many other CDT programmes.

Find out more here.

MPhil Degree

My MPhil built on the research I’d carried out during my MRes and explored specifically how metadata schema play a role in delivering energy flexibility to buildings. The title of the thesis is ‘Metadata Schema as a Facilitator for Decarbonisation within the Built Environment’, and the abstract is as follows:

In the United Kingdom, the built environment is a significant contributor to carbon emissions,
contributing around 26% of global energy-related emissions, which equates to 9.8 Gt CO2
per year, when accounting for indirect emissions. This is particularly poignant when
compared to the transport sector, which accounts for only 8Gt CO2 per year. With the UK
committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and considering that an
estimated 80% of current buildings will still be in use by that year, there is an urgent need
for strategies to decarbonize the built environment. Central to this is the effective utilization
of renewable energy sources. This research first sets out to understand the challenge of
decarbonising the built environment and seeks to identify key enables to achieve this. From
this investigation, the need for greater energy flexibility within buildings was highlighted as
a key requirement for decarbonisation. Further, the role of modelling, and more specifically
metadata schemas, were identified as a potentially facilitating technology to deliver greater
energy flexibility. Backed by a comprehensive literature review and interviews with industry
experts, this study evaluates the applicability of three prevalent building metadata schema
against the criteria established by PAS1878, a UK energy flexibility publically accessible
specification (PAS). The findings suggest that existing schemas fall short of meeting
these energy flexibility requirements. However, this shortfall is not simply a gap in the
concepts of existing metadata schemas, but relates to deeper complexities in building systems
and operations, including legal barriers and system interoperability issues. The research
makes two significant contributions: first, it crystallizes and assesses previously tacit and
undocumented industry knowledge on real-world building operations. Second, it scrutinizes
the readiness of metadata schema in supporting energy flexibility applications in the built
environment and identifies paths forward for more effective use of metadata schema for use
in this context.

MRes Degree

The total program is four full years, with the first spent undertaking an MRes. The MRes (Masters in Research) is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to carry out a PhD, while also acting as a pseudo-first year of the PhD. My areas of interest during the MRes year are focused around developing a foundational understanding of energy flexibility and digital twins, while also exploring technical topics such as embedded systems for the Internet of Things and probabilistic machine learning.

CroudThings - Co-Founder

2018 - 2022

CroudThings is focused on two main missions; to provide education and expertise on everything smart buildings and cities, and to contribute towards greater and more impactful adoption of technology within cities to creater environments that are better for people and the planet. I co-founded CroudThings alongside my best friend, Kyp Diamantides - an extrememly tallented and articulate engineer.

Check us out here.

Speaking Events

2019 - Pint of Engineering, IMechE

2019 - MEDx, University of Leeds MedTech Foundation

Thought Leadership.

We work to publish articles and other media aimed at educating and inspiring people about the potential power of technology within the built environment. Our thought leadership seeks to demistify some of the technology and concepts within the smart/IoT space as well as sharing our vision for what the future of the industry might look like.


As a new branch of work, CroudThings has started working on a number of projects all aimed at delivering our methodology and vision to the real world. If you’re interested in following our journey or finding out more, check out the home of CroudThings.

WSP - Smart Technology Consultant

2021 - Feb. 2022: Smart Places Consultant

As a Smart Technology Consultant I work to develop and deliver strategy across a range of projects focused on smart buildings and smart cities. This strategy seeks to map the current state of technology to the business context of a client in order to deliver direct and impactful change for our clients. My work spans across high-level strategy through to technology implementation and change management. I have expertise in IoT platforms and delivery of smart technology in the real-estate sector.

2019 - 2021: Smart Places Analyst

Speaking Events

2020 - Smart School, WSP

2019 - Architect Talks, WSP

2019 - Future Ready Breakfasts, External

2019 - Smart School, External


I deliver a range of consultancy services to our clients, all seeking to enable the client to understand and implement technology as affectively as possible. There is a heavy focus on the use of user-centred design and all of work is carried out mindful of designing for the future.


A core component of my work is being able to translate technical concepts and strategies to clients in an effective way. It’s also about supporting change management within our client organisations. Public speaking and presentations form an integral component of this work.


As part of the wider change management work done by the Smart Places Group, I have delivering training to internal and external clients. This training has been aimed at improving understanding of technology and how it’s applied within the build environment.


As part of my role as a Smart Technology Consultant, I also work to form short, medium and long-term strategy for the Smart Places Team.

MedTech Foundation

2018 - 2020: National Strategic Director

The MedTech Foundation aims to encourage and inspire innovation within the medical technologies field. The foundation does this through carried out innovation workshop series, hosting inspirational events, providing industry linked internships and cultivating a network of medical innovators. My work as a National Strategic Director seeks to support and guide the activities of the foundation through providing high-level oversight and coordination.

The foundation is affiliated with the NIHR (National Institute for Health Research - the research arm of the NHS) and works with the Surgical MIC based in Leeds.

Speaking Events

2019 - National MedTech Foundation Conference

National Strategy.

My work as a National Strategic Director was largely oriented around supporting and developing the MedTech Foundation strategy on a national scale. As of 2020, we had 5 spokes across the UK and numerous affiliations; my role was to support their activities and enable them to reach the greatest number of people and have the greatest impact possible.


The MedTech Foundation has already engaged many people, but we’re always looking to grow and develop. A core part of my role was supporting new spokes and affiliates to get up and running, as well as supporting internal MedTech activities that enable us to reach a new or greater audience.

Previous work.

Check it out.

If you’re interested in checking out some of my previous roles and work, just over to my LinkedIn page where I present a more complete collection.