CIBSE Intelligent Buildings Group & CIB: Fourth Industrial Revolution (Webinar)

Link to the event page.

A couple of weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak on a webinar run by the CIBSE Intelligent Buildings Group and CIB. The focus of the webinar was the Further Industrial Resolution and we had a great line of up speakers approaching the topic from a wide range of perspectives.

The webinar was hosted by Derek Clements-Croome (Chair IBG) and Matthew Marson (previous Head of Smart Place at WSP, now Sector Director for Manufacturing & Technology and the Buildings Design Practice at Arcadis). There was a fantastic line up of other speakers including Philip Ross (CEO, Unwired Group), Matthew Marson and Kristina Goncharov (Smart Places Analyst, WSP) + a talk from myself.

A really great conversation was cultivated and it was fascinating to hear the view point of both the speakers and the webinar attendees.

My talk was called ‘Platform Economy and The Digital Twin - Disruptive Business Models and for Social Good’. If you’re interested in checking it out, see the video below:


Designing the Future of Infrastructure: A Series of Short Essays


An Industry that’s Always Behind